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Charter Academy of the Redwoods:  Corporate Board 2009-10   
Board Agenda for June 11, 2010                           Minutes for June 11, 2010
Board Agenda for May 7, 2010                             Minutes for May 7, 2010
Board Agenda for March 12, 2010                        Minutes for March 12, 2010
Board Agenda for January 29, 2010                      Minutes for January 29, 2010
Board Agenda for October 16, 2009                      Minutes for October 16, 2009    
Board Agenda for August 21, 2009                        Minutes for August 21, 2009 
Charter Academy of the Redwoods:   Parent Boosters 2009-10
Thanks parents and staff and students for a GREAT Barbeque, Golf, and Music Family Fun Night!  We appreciate that you joined us and worked together with the staff for your student. We look forward to a wonderful 2010-2011!
Accelerated Achievement Academy:   School Site Council 2009-10
Our next SSC meeting will be in the 2010-2011 school year. We will review various plans in light of 2009-2010 test scores and 2010-2011 funding and requirements. 
Redwood Academy of Ukiah:   School Site Council 2009-10
Our next SSC meeting will be in the 2010-2011 school year. We will review various plans in light of 2009-2010 test scores and 2010-2011 funding and requirements. 

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